Matthew 27:45-46 & 51-52
At noon the whole country was covered with darkness, which lasted for three hours. 46 At about three o'clock Jesus cried out with a loud shout, “Eli, Eli, lemma sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why did you abandon me?”
51 Then the curtain hanging in the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split apart, 52 the graves broke open, and many of God's people who had died were raised to life.
Is “Good” Enough?
In our family we have our own coded language. “Fine” is code for barely passable; while “nice” is more than nice, it implies the very best. And “help me understand” means you’re wrong but you don’t know it. For the longest time I believed Black Friday and Good Friday were also coded phrases.
How could deep discounts and the start of the Christmas shopping season be considered “black”? The day Christ died on the cross the whole country was covered with darkness, Jesus felt abandoned by God, the earth shook violently, and rocks split apart– yet we call this “good”?
As I grew in my professional life as an accountant, I came to understand “Black Friday” is a label applied by retailers not consumers.
The prospect of a successful retail year changes dramatically the day after Thanksgiving when sellers move from unprofitable to financially favorable. Out of the red and into the black. Black Friday.
As I mature in my spiritual life, I better understand that the terrible things that happened the day Christ died on the cross were moments in God’s larger plan. Feelings of abandonment, devastating earthquakes, unexplained
darkness were awful as they were experienced by everyone at the time. However, when we change the perspective and focus less on the moments in a single day and more on God’s greater plan, then the day Christ died was more than good, it was amazing!
Jesus came as an unexpected savior born in a manager, revealing God’s power through miracles, and offering God’s grace for all who believe.
Jesus died so that we may know of God’s undeniable love for the world. On a dark, lonely, earth-tilting Friday, the infinite depth of God’s grace was revealed. That Friday of long ago is better than good, it’s incredible! Because God’s plan includes Christ’s death, we are a hope-filled people living confidently in the glory of God’s love.
Reflection Written by Karen Breuer
Gracious and loving God, help me to always feel your presence and understand how deep your love is for the whole world. Please provide me with opportunities and the words to share the depth of your love with others.
I ask these things in the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.
Please take a moment to consider what God is speaking to you through the scripture passage and the devotional reflection.
Let us now bow our heads in prayer, focusing our hearts on the Cross. As we observe this Good Friday, may we earnestly seek His love in every interaction. Let us reflect deeply on His mission, His sacrifice, and the weight of His cross. We lift up the Good Friday service scheduled for this evening. We pray that God’s presence would be palpable, touching the hearts of all who attend. Amen!
You can also listen to the music provided below as a backdrop
for your time of prayer.
At the Cross by W.L. Bloomfield, sung by Gaither Vocal Band