When you are a part of a church family there is a bond that remains throughout the years no matter where life leads you. I was reminded of this on my recent visit to the church of my youth, Cross Keys United Methodist, where I came to know the Lord and spent many wonderful years growing in the knowledge of His word. I was welcomed with open arms by many and felt the love of my fellow believers and longtime friends
Christ tells us that He will never leave or forsake us (referencing Genesis 28:15) and one of the ways he fulfills that promise is through his “called out ones” — the church — who are His hands and feet. During this season of Lent let us remember to “be” Jesus to those around us by showing His peace, love, joy, gentleness, and compassion with them.
Reflection Written by Debra Stewart
Precious Lord, give us a deep love for others that drives us to connect with them and welcome them into the fellowship of believers so that they can be assured that Christ, their savior, will never leave or forsake them.
In Jesus's name, we pray, Amen.
Please take a moment to consider what God is speaking to you through the scripture passage and the devotional reflection.
Then, take some time for prayer—pray for your own soul, and lift up the upcoming Sunday worship services and Sunday school classes.
You can also listen to the music provided below as a backdrop
for your time of prayer.
I Will Never, Ever Leave Thee